Go Mad Music’s child safety and wellbeing policy
This policy is designed to inform all employees of their obligations as private music tutors in relation to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Children’s Participation
Complaints Management and Reporting
Department of Family and Community Services
NSW Ombudsman
Office of the Children’s Guardian.
Training, support and supervision of workers
Other legislation, industry standards or internal policies
Document Change Control
Go Mad Music supports the active participation of children in the programs, activities and services we offer.
We provide a range of ways to allow children to provide feedback or raise concerns. We listen to their views, respect what they say and involve them when we make decisions, especially about matters that will directly affect them.
Our organisation maintains a rigorous and consistent recruitment, screening and selection process for staff, contractors and volunteers to identify the safest and most suitable people who share Go Mad Music’s values and commitment to protect children.
Individuals are selected to work with Go Mad Music through panel interviews and after thorough referee checks have been conducted.
It is a requirement of all staff, contractors and volunteers working with Go Mad Music that they hold and maintain a current Working With Children Check for the duration of their engagement with us.
Complaints Management
Anyone, including children and their families, can make a complaint about a staff member, contractor or volunteer at Go Mad Music. Refer to the Complaints Handling Policy and Child Safety Reporting Process for information on how to make a complaint.
Reporting of Child Abuse
Staff, contractors and volunteers who work with Go Mad Music have a responsibility to be aware of indicators of child abuse and to report any concerns they may have for the safety and wellbeing of children involved in our workshops, projects and events.
If a staff member, contractor or volunteer has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child or young person is at risk of significant harm they should report this to their direct manager immediately.
Any person within or outside of the organisation may report their concerns for the safety and wellbeing of a child to the Department of Family and Community Services (Child Protection Helpline 132 111).
All lessons are held in an open environment and parents/guardians/family are always welcomed and encouraged to sit in on the lesson.
Children are encouraged to provide feedback to the organisation on staff members at regular intervals throughout the year.
All new staff members and contractors who will have direct contact with children during the course of their employment at Go Mad Music receive a copy of our Child Safety Policy, Code of Conduct (Board, Management, Workers and Volunteers), and related procedures. Their direct manager will set up a meeting to discuss the policies and allow the new worker to ask questions and clarify their understanding.
Child safety is a standing agenda item at staff meetings and staff are encouraged to ask questions and contribute to the continuous improvement of child safe policies, procedures and practices in the workplace.
Related Policies and Procedures:
Code of Conduct (Management, Workers and Volunteers)
Complaints Handling Policy
Child Safety Reporting Process
Communication with Staff, Contractors and Volunteers
Our policy will be discussed during induction sessions for all new staff, contractors and volunteers.
Child Safety will be discussed regularly at staff meetings and ongoing professional development and mentoring will be provided for staff to help them understand and comply with the policy.
Communication with Children, Parents and Caregivers
Parents and caregivers of the children who are involved in our programs and activities will receive an electronic copy of the Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct at least once per calendar year; and ensure children understand their rights and how to speak up if something makes them feel unsafe.
Our policy will be publicly accessible on our website.
First Issued: September 2018
Approved by: Lee Jaime Havenga - Owner
Review Date: September 2022
V1. September 2018
V2. September 2020